I haven’t been with random people in a year. I really don’t want to be with other random people. Why couldn’t we stay at the house and celebrate Mother’s Day?


Tomorrow is Mother’s Day, and it will be the first time I have gone to a restaurant. My parents have been asking me to come over since we are all vaccinated. I was expecting a relaxed meal at the house. Now I’ve been told to show up at a specific time because we are eating out.

I haven’t been with random people in a year. I really don’t want to be with other random people. Why couldn’t we stay at the house and celebrate Mother’s Day? Why are my mom and step-dad trying to test the strength of the vaccine so soon? I work with little kids. The cases with children have been increasing in our town and surrounding area. I’ve had kids on quarantine during the last two weeks. Before I could even explain this, my step-dad made reservations. I’ve spent most of my Saturday with anxiety about this lunch date. There were other options. It’s not the first Mother’s Day we’ve had at home.

Signature in Burgundy cursive spelling out T. Lanette.

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